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Woman holding yoga matOver 350 million people across the globe are impacted by depression. It ranks as one of the leading causes of disability. At Perth Sports Injury Clinic, we have seen great success in treating depression with yoga and Pilates, both held in our practice.

Health in Mind and Body

A common and often debilitating disease, depression involves feelings of overwhelming sadness, losing interest or pleasure in things you once appreciated and feelings of low self-worth and guilt. There may also be a disturbance in sleeping patterns, appetite, concentration and ongoing fatigue. A recent study showed that aerobic exercise performed supervised can be beneficial for those experiencing depression.

By exercising 3-4 times weekly for 30-40 minutes with the classes offered at our practice, you can lower your risk of depression. It’ll also help you in managing weight gain and cutting your risk for diabetes or cardiovascular disease, both of which are associated with depression.


Depression | (08) 9383 7882