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Dr Luca Moutafian (Chiropractor) BSc (Chiro), BChiro.

Dr Luca Moutafian (Chiropractor)Hi, I’m Luca Moutafian and I absolutely love being a Chiropractor! I feel privileged to have found a profession that I am so passionate about and I am able to make such an enormous change in people’s lives everyday.

I was born on a small French island in the Caribbean where I lived with my Australian mother and French father for five years before moving to Perth. Growing up in Perth was amazing and I became a passionate sport enthusiast. Living along the coast I was able to run to the beach everyday to go surfing as well as spending several months of the year down south in Margaret River.

A Chiropractic Education

I commenced my studies of Chiropractic at Murdoch University after a gap year in France.

During my five years of tertiary education I attended several technique seminars and began to develop my own treatment methods focusing on a holistic approach with involves the improvement of overall Spine mobility and function as well as focusing on changing specific body patterns to improve posture, reduce tension and overall increase our ability to deal with daily stresses.

My experience out in the field working at Perth Sports Injury Clinic has also developed skills in core strengthening and postural neural control, and I love helping people achieve their goals by making sure their body is functioning at its absolute optimum capacity.

Give Perth Sports Injury Clinic a call to schedule an appointment today!


Dr Luca Moutafian (Chiropractor) | (08) 9383 7882