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Type 1 Diabetes

Grandparents gardening with grandchildrenDiabetes is a disease in which the cells that produce insulin are destroyed by the body’s immune system, diabetes mellitus leads to insulin deficiency. This hormone lowers your blood glucose or blood sugar. Without it, higher levels of this substance result. It often runs in families, but the trigger for it is mostly unknown.

At Perth Sports Injury Clinic, we can help you get control of your Type 1 Diabetes with our many services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are blood glucose levels important? Can exercise help Type 1 Diabetes? How does exercise help? Is there a type of exercise that’s best for me?

Want to Learn More?

Our exercise therapists can help design a program that suits you. Contact us today to find out more! We can co-manage your case with your other medical practitioners.


Type I Diabetes | (08) 9383 7882